creator_did = ivo://ESAVO/P/INTEGRAL/65-100kev creator = ESA (ESDC & INTEGRAL SOC) obs_collection = INTEGRAL 65-100 keV obs_title = INTEGRAL IBIS 65-100 keV obs_description = All public IBIS observations from the Integral Science Data Center (ISDC) in the 65-100 keV energy band. obs_ack = Original ISDC archive data post-processed by Guillaume Belanger prov_progenitor = INTEGRAL SOC (G. Belanger) bib_reference = 2003A&A...411L.131U bib_reference_url = obs_copyright = G. Belanger obs_copyright_url = t_min = 52639.34629133235 t_max = 57057.31493992536 obs_regime = Gamma-ray em_min = 1.2398e-11 em_max = 1.9075e-11 hips_builder = Aladin/HipsGen v10.130 hips_version = 1.4 hips_release_date = 2019-07-23T09:31Z hips_frame = equatorial hips_order = 3 hips_tile_width = 512 hips_service_url = hips_status = public master clonable hips_tile_format = png jpeg fits hips_pixel_bitpix = -32 data_pixel_bitpix = -32 hips_hierarchy = mean hips_pixel_cut = 0 40 hips_data_range = -178.1 501.9 hips_initial_ra = 266.40499 hips_initial_dec = -28.93617 hips_initial_fov = 355.47662 hips_pixel_scale = 0.01431 s_pixel_scale = 0.08229 dataproduct_type = image moc_sky_fraction = 1 hips_estsize = 1149036 hipsgen_date = 2016-05-12T10:13Z hipsgen_params = -f hips_creation_date = 2016-05-12T10:13Z #hips_creator = HiPS creator (institute or person) #hips_copyright = Copyright mention of the HiPS hips_order_min = 0 hipsgen_date_1 = 2019-07-23T09:31Z hipsgen_params_1 = out=65-100 UPDATE